Sunday, August 11, 2013


- Irregular or no menstrual periods
-Patients have abnormal
menstruation-menstrual period gap is
35 days to 6 months, approximately
3-6 menstrual periods per year) or
secondary amenorrhea (an absence of
menstrual for 6 months).
-Dysfunctional uterine bleeding and
infertility are the other consequences
of anovulatory menstrual cycles
-Chronic anovulation. (Absence of
-Some women have Oligomenorrhoea
(means very less menstrual
-The menstrual irregularities in PCOS
usually manifest around the time of
-Obesity, weight gain, Obesity is
present in nearly half of all women
with PCOS.
-In women, metabolic syndrome is
characterized by abdominal obesity
(waist circumference > 35 in.),
-Excess hair growth-Hair is commonly
seen on the upper lip, chin, around
the nipples, and in lower abdomen.
-Some patients have acne and/or
male-pattern hair loss (androgenic
-Hyper androgenism clinically
manifests as excess terminal body
hair in a male distribution pattern- A
few patients may also propriate
remedy for you.


Caulophyllum, useful to women with
a history of irregular periods,
discomfort during periods and pain in
the pelvic region. Weakness,
exhaustion and want of tone are the
keys to this remedy
Lachesis, which may be used to
promote blood circulation to the
reproductive organs, regulates
menstruation cycles and correct
uterine problems. When Left sided
ovary is affected. The patient is hot.
Symptoms aggravates after sleep.
Lycodium, which may relieve sweet
cravings, insatiable appetites,
extended periods, bloating,
indigestion, constipation, insomnia
and anxiety. When Right sided ovary
is affected. Prescribed for hot
Nat. Mur, which may reduce
inflammatory skin conditions such as
eczema and vertigo, and may alleviate
PMS. It clears oily skin. For Sad and
gloomy patient. Thermal is hot.
Usually for young girls
Sepia, a general tonic for the female
reproductive system, revitalizing the
uterus, ovaries and vagina.
Pulsatilla. Scanty menstruation with
absence of thirst. Patient will be mild
and yielding. There will be an
intolerance to fatty food.
Phosphorus, platina, calc carb,
Ignatia ..etc.

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